The KINGDOM Collective is driven by the idea that living things reproduce. We believe that the Church is alive and therefore should be reproducing — but you can’t reproduce alone.


We are a group of likeminded churches working together to send missionaries, church planters and Kingdom Innovators to see whole communities renewed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are a Jesus Movement
Since only Jesus brings hope, salvation, purpose and renewal we are a movement that is obsessed with knowing, exalting, teaching and following Jesus so that all people everywhere have an opportunity to encounter Him through a local expression of His family.

We are a Relational Movement
Since we are united to each other through the resurrection of Jesus we connect to each other on a relational level (church to church, pastor to pastor, friend to friend, team to team). These relational connections empower, encourage and support so that churches never feel like they’re alone in a foreign land.

We are an Innovative Movement
The local church functions best within a local context. We believe the Holy Spirit is always looking for new ways to express the life of Christ in a community and so we are committed to “fan into flame” new ways of being the Church so that true renewal can take place.

We are a Sending Movement
Since our desire is to see whole communities renewed by the Gospel we must orient ourselves to always be sending people to new places and people. We are committed to teaching, training and resourcing people so that they are equipped to go and we celebrate the sending and successes of church planting teams whenever there is an opportunity to do so.

We are a Reproducing Movement
We are committed to Kingdom movement so we create simple systems to encourage reproduction on every level of church life from individual leaders to new Huddles & Missional Communities to new churches.



One new congregation in every suburb throughout Northeast Ohio.
We know that Gospel renewal won’t happen just by starting new churches. Our vision is to send missionaries, Kingdom Innovators & micro-churches to every corner of our communities.

We want to send out...
• 18,750 new Missionaries
• 84 New Congregations
• 1,250 Macro Churches (1 MC per 1,000 people in Cuyahoga County)